

    Interview|Ma Boqian: Throw a question to the world

    Ma Boqian made his debut in the variety show "Tomorrow's Son" and entered the showbiz as an "idol". He should have a strong "idol" imprint on him, and it seems that he should have some kind of "personality". He always smiles and speaks appropriately, impeccably. But in fact, he seems to have a distinct personality, a clear mind, and he knows exactly what he should do and what he should do.

    For example, Ma Boqian's original intention for participating in the recording of "Star Music Alliance" was that he and Huang Zitao have been friends for many years, and wanted to do a music program with his good brothers. Come to this program, you can also meet familiar musicians for a while, and have a look at new musicians. "Many players also know each other. It's really like meeting old friends. This is a very familiar and comfortable environment for me."

    "Star Music Alliance" stills

    In this electronic music-themed variety show, among a group of young people with distinct personalities, as a guest on the show, he seemed quite stable. When interviewing Ma Boqian, the reporter also noticed that when he entered the interview room, he walked in front of everyone in the team. Before the team spoke, he took the first step to control the overall situation, and whispered the details of the work of all parties present, "Will the lights be higher?" "Is the camera angle okay for me to sit here?" "Can the microphone pick up the sound?" "Is it the official media? Then I'll take off the earrings."

    In the interview, he spoke directly and simply. Regarding the view of the "disdain chain" of the electronic voice circle in the program, he said that "the level of technical threshold is not the criterion for evaluating aesthetics"; whether to popularize the knowledge of electronic music to the public, he said "music People don't want to 'educate' the audience"; for music creation, he said, "I don't have the ability to regard it as a 'mission'". He has opinions and attitudes, and he is not afraid to export his opinions and attitudes, which is not common among young entertainers in domestic entertainment today.

    In an interview, he said that he "can't be an idol". When he mentioned this issue again, he said frankly, "Idols, in a sense, you need to create a dream for people. Emotional support, or spiritual strength. But I hope, I just do everything well in a sincere and down-to-earth manner. Moreover, I am indeed not an idol."

    "It's not idol material", and "I haven't studied music systematically, so I can't take it as a mission", even though he started to form a band in middle school, played rap, played arranger, won various competitions, and was even in the draft. He made his debut as a runner-up, and upon analysis, Ma Boqian seems to be looking at himself from a strict third perspective.

    But when it comes to acting, this "profession" that he has studied systematically and practiced now seems to have opened up a chatterbox, "I have a systematic understanding of acting. This does not mean that I am a very good actor, but that I have a systematic understanding. Understanding means that I can have a basic framework in the performance." His determination is not arrogance, in the recently aired "Can't Hide Secretly", he played the role of "Sang Yan", his acting skills are natural and sincere, and won the audience's praise Widely recognized.

    Whether it is music or performance, he emphasizes "technology", "rationality" and "logic", and his diction is precise and meticulous. He mentioned that both music and performance are like "throwing a question to the world". It's just that music creation seems to be asking his own question, while performance is asking the character's question. The same is that once a "question" arises, it will keep echoing in his mind, looking forward to the answer. As a performer, often, life itself will give him the answer at a certain moment.

    "Star Music Alliance" stills

    Before the interview, the reporter found some information about him. From 2017 to the present, he has changed in the screen images, and he is more calm and relaxed visible to the naked eye. He mentioned that when he first became an artist, he didn’t understand a lot of things, “So I was very confused, and sometimes I was at a loss.” He also got used to being the one who laughs at work, and the one who talks a lot. One, for fear of not being noticed and understood by others.

    He mentioned in the interview that his younger brother cried in front of him when he expressed his fragility during his bottleneck period, and he seemed unable to accept that his elder brother, whom he regarded as a "strong man", had a vulnerable side. "I still remember all the changes in his expression at that time, clearly. I told him later that this is actually normal. I am growing, and you are growing. I want to tell you that your brother is not the most powerful in the world. people, but I will always set you a good example."

    But now, he feels that "sometimes there is no need to say too much". He feels that the greatest encouragement from my family is, "The four members of my family are relatively independent and rarely see each other. They are all doing what they love to do and love their own life." Work and life, on the contrary, did not force me to export anything, but the tacit understanding and cohesion are absolutely there."

    I asked him what kind of work he would like to do besides being an artist. He said that in addition to acting, he also applied for two majors in college, one was philosophy, and the other was related to marine biology. "At that time, I wanted to be a marine biologist. , went to Greenland to study the Greenland sleeper shark." It sounds completely different from an entertainer, self-exiled and lonely career, "but let me tell you, so handsome!" Childish moments.

    "Star Music Alliance" stills


    Talking about music: it’s all about listening well, not to “educate” the audience

    The Paper : The so-called "chain of contempt" between electronic music genres will also appear in "Star Electronic Music Alliance". People who like techno look down on bounce and the like. What do you think of this chain of contempt in relatively subcultural circles, or in other words, the struggle for the right to speak?

    Ma Boqian : I think this is a natural state and law, and this happens in every circle. For example, rap audiences may also have these arguments. I think some things have their technical threshold, but the level of technical threshold is not the standard for evaluating its aesthetics.

    The Paper : When it comes to the threshold, do you think it is necessary to popularize the classification of electronic music to the public to strengthen their understanding of electronic music?

    Ma Boqian : What musicians do is not to educate the audience, but to make songs for everyone to listen to. I also had the idea of "educating" the audience before, but I am not qualified to do this. I am not qualified to tell the audience what is good music and what is "bad" music. It doesn't matter whether the audience understands it or not, as long as the music is "good" it's over. Making music is not a high-level education, but a kind of sharing that arouses resonance. To be honest, my music making now may not be the same as before.

    The Paper : What was the state like before?

    Ma Boqian : I used to want to make music seriously, but now I just want to "play", not as a mission.

    Since my debut in 2017, I have been on stage and making music all the time. At that time, I wanted to be a professional musician, because I thought it was cool to be on stage and to make good songs. But I didn’t study music systematically. It was only after my debut that I started to make up lessons slowly. I asked my favorite musicians and producers, and I learned mixing tutorials on the Internet and explored by myself.

    In the six years since my debut, I have indeed learned a lot in music, and it is quite fun, and I still love music, but I no longer regard this as a "mission", because I clearly understand that I am in the Music knowledge is fragmented, and I don't have that ability. Therefore, music is just love for me. I may have mistaken it as a mission or a dream before, but it is actually just love.

    The Paper : You are quite real.

    Ma Boqian : Yes, there is nothing to say, I can only say that I love music. You see, I was very entangled before, always thinking about how to make a hit single, but I chatted with Tang Hanxiao, why he was able to write "The Unknown", because he spent a lot of time polishing his Professional, from lyric composition to arrangement and mixing, he knows how to resonate with the audience, he has a systematic and even strict creative logic, I don't have it at all, so the gap is already here.

    The Paper : So music creation requires technical muscular responses in some aspects?

    Ma Boqian : Of course, and did you know that I am more interested in sound mixing than in songwriting, because sound mixing is really sound engineering, with parameters and technology, for example, high frequency, medium frequency and low frequency will give people What kind of auditory feeling, what kind of emotion can be stimulated in the brain and then produced, all have scientific basis. For music, my supplementary lessons are too fragmented, so it can only be regarded as a love, nothing else.

    "Star Music Alliance" stills

    Talking about acting: treat characters as best friends

    The Paper : I have a more relaxed and "playful" attitude towards music, but what about performances?

    Ma Boqian : Acting is my major, and what I studied in college is acting. In school, I acted in a lot of stage plays every semester, including "West Side Story" and "Phantom of the Opera" that everyone is familiar with, and there are some works that you may not be familiar with.

    The Paper : So the attitude towards performance is quite different from making music.

    Ma Boqian : Of course, because I have a systematic understanding of acting. This does not mean that I am a very good actor, but having a systematic understanding means that I can have a basic framework in performance. When I create a character, I at least know what kind of creative process it is, and I know when I need to do something.

    But music, my music theory is basically not good enough, only the rhythm is okay, the singing is not a natural sound, and the lyrics and composition are not too good. There is nothing wrong with admitting it. More professional assistance is required.

    When I shape a character, of course I need the guidance of the director and the help of the opponent actor, but I still have to analyze the characters by myself, understand the relationship between the characters and the progress of the story, and then shape the character.

    The Paper : Music has the technical rationality of its creation, but what about performance, how do you recognize it?

    Ma Boqian : For example, if I receive a role, then I first have to look at the script, what is the promotion of the role, what is the relationship between him and other characters, and I will quickly list 123 in my mind to form a "net". Where there is a mistake in the performance, I can quickly analyze it.

    The Paper : Maybe when many young actors read the script for the first time, what they see is whether I like the character or not, and whether the character design is pleasing?

    Ma Boqian : Of course, you also have to consider whether the role is suitable for you. You have to consider whether you can resonate with this role based on your own life experience. In my mind, I may treat the character as my best friend and tell his story, but I think rational judgment and analysis are also necessary in all artistic creations.

    The Paper : When it comes to life experience, do you think that from your debut to now, have you felt that the changes in life experience are related to the type of role you choose?

    Ma Boqian : Sometimes it is like this, but sometimes there is a part of challenging yourself when choosing a role. For example, I may be completely different from the role, but I can experience a different life through the role. Sometimes I feel that my life is not very exciting, but quite boring. In the script, whether it is the fictional world or the real world, at least by experiencing the character’s life and stepping in his shoes to look at things, you may discover points that you would not see yourself. I think this is also a way to discover yourself. The process is the two-way understanding of the character and me, and it also increases my life experience. I think this is the most charming part of the performance. And music is to express yourself, we say to use music to express emotions, what you express is your own emotions, your own confusion in life, or you are throwing a problem to the world.

    The Paper : This statement is very interesting. Doesn’t the performance seem to be asking questions, but answering them?

    Ma Boqian : The performance is also raising questions, but the questions you raise may not be your questions, but the characters' questions. From the development of the story, this question may or may not be answered. I will always think about this question. For example, I have played some roles, and I would think: Why is he like this? There are some questions that I haven't figured out until now.

    The Paper : So after you left the role with a question, did you encounter an event or a person at a certain moment in your life, and suddenly that question was answered.

    Ma Boqian : Yes, let's take "Can't Hide Secretly" as an example. Until that drama was finished, I didn't figure out how Duan Jiaxu was able to fall in love with my sister? Because in real life, I would never let this happen, if my best brother had a relationship with my sister, I would drag my sister home and break up with this brother, how can that be? This is "no way". Of course, this is just my personal opinion, and in the story, the choice of characters is of course not the same as my choice.

    "Secretly Can't Hide" Emoticon Package

    But later, I really saw such an example in my life. I had an older sister who was like a family member. She later married a good friend’s younger brother. I asked them, and I said, is this really OK? They said OK, "Because I can trust him." Then I suddenly understood, in "Can't Hide Secretly", from the perspective of my character, I know what kind of person Duan Jiaxu is, and I also know what kind of person my sister is. And it's not OK for my sister to have any boyfriend, so if I have to choose one, I think I can trust my sister to Duan Jiaxu.

    "Secretly Can't Hide" Stills

    The Paper : Are you also an older brother in real life?

    Ma Boqian : I have a younger brother, but you know, having a younger brother is a completely different state.

    The Paper : Why are they treated differently?

    Ma Boqian : Because for my younger brother, I don’t want to protect him, but only want to “educate” him (laughs). I don't have a younger sister, so I don't know that feeling, but after I finished the performance, I answered a question I had thought about before, that is: What if I have a daughter in the future? I thought, I would really have nothing to do with her. I will love her very much, but I also want to protect her very much. I may feel that the boys who appear next to her must pass me first, but I will worry about her being sad. It is too tangled, so I am I wondered what I would do if I had a daughter in the future.

    There is another interesting point. After filming this scene, I will record a romance drama later. In it, a younger girl likes a boy who is older than her, but the boy actually rejects her. I was thinking at the time, if my sister encountered this situation, I would cover her ears and take her away, and then say: "Brother, you can stay here for a while, I will take my sister away." I took it away." I didn't feel this way before, but now I do, so you see, experiencing life with a younger sister for a few months has also broadened my life experience.

    "Secretly Can't Hide" Stills

    The Paper : As a brother, is there any standard for a good brother?

    Ma Boqian : A younger brother is also very different from a younger sister. I think a brother who has a younger brother is just a good example. In fact, there are many things that my brother and I need not say too much. My brother seldom cries in front of me, but the only time he cries in front of me is when I talk to him about my weaker side, he will not accept it, he thinks, "You are always strong in my heart , I can't accept that you have a weak side, or when you are confused, I have always regarded you as a good role model."

    The Paper : Will he cry because of your weakness?

    Ma Boqian : Yes, he would. When he was a child, it was not counted as a fight. When he grew up, he cried in front of me. There was really only one time. I still remember all the changes in his expression at that time, clearly. I told him later, this is actually normal, I am growing, and you are also growing, I want to tell you that your brother is not the most powerful person in the world, but I will always set a good example for you.

    The Paper : What was the vulnerability you shared with him?

    Ma Boqian : In the bottleneck period, I was confused. When I first started working, I didn’t understand many things, so I was confused and sometimes at a loss.

    The Paper : Speaking of the bottleneck period, what do you think is your greatest growth from your debut to now?

    Ma Boqian : Quite a lot, the biggest growth, let’s put it this way, I used to be one, I would let others see me by bluffing, making people happy, or being the loudest one in the crowd, I have a strong desire to express, everything All want to say the fullest. In fact, it’s because I didn’t have enough confidence in myself before, and I especially hope that others will understand me, but now I feel that I understand everything, and those who understand you will understand, and sometimes there is no need to say more.


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