

    Yue Meiti: Mourning Lord Hua

    Teacher Hua Wenyi and Teacher Yue Meiti starred in "Chen Miaochang and Pan Bizheng" adapted from the playbook of "The Jade Hairpin" (won the 2nd Chinese Opera TV Drama Progress Award in 1986)

    Teacher Hua Wenyi and Teacher Yue Meiti starred in "Chen Miaochang and Pan Bizheng" adapted from the playbook of "The Jade Hairpin" (won the 2nd Chinese Opera TV Drama Progress Award in 1986)

    Only in this difficult year of Renyin, the month of Jiachen, the day of spring, and the deep night, I was shocked to hear that Wen Yihua, Jun Fangshun, passed away, how could I not be heartbroken, cry with long songs, and sleepless all night! In the dormitory room, separated by thousands of miles and oceans, I can't see the face of the king, and I mourn in my spare time:
    Recalling the first time I met when I was young, my youth was full of splendor, Hua Jun and I, classmates of "Kun Daban", were twelve years old, and they were close and intimate. You are gentle and shy, elegant and natural, dark and long braided, intelligent and taciturn, taught by famous teachers, diligent in study and hard training, intensive in singing, reading and dancing, with a smile like water. Huajun and I are in love with Jin Lan, confidantes and sisters under the stage, with exquisite rings and beautiful wings on the stage; with graceful sleeves, graceful jade throats and graceful talents, with bright eyes looking forward. Master Yu sighed with emotion that in the past 50 years, it has been rare to be a boudoir.
    Hua Wenyi in Youth

    Hua Wenyi in Youth

    Hua Wenyi, Yue Meiti and their mentor Mr. Yu Zhenfei together July 1987

    Hua Wenyi, Yue Meiti and mentor Mr. Yu Zhenfei together July 1987

    Did you remember? Decades of chanting and singing, singing the joys and sorrows of the separation and reunion of the ages, comprehending supernatural powers for decades, and chanting the rhinoceros of the two minds; by the "Peony Pavilion", the love is deeply lingering, who will solve you and me, throw blood and sweat day and night, three changes three Arranging, sharing weal and woe, Liniang's immortal appearance is dreamy, and her peerless beauty is endless; "Horse on the Wall", inheriting the classics, Qianjun's red makeup is sturdy, and she interprets splendid and strange stories. , not afraid of the severe cold of winter. Hua Wenyi and Yue Meiti co-starred in "The Peony Pavilion"

    Hua Wenyi and Yue Meiti co-starred in "The Peony Pavilion"

    Hua Wenyi and Yue Meiti co-starred in "Horse on the Wall" 2007.12

    Hua Wenyi and Yue Meiti co-starred in "Horse on the Wall" 2007.12

    Did you remember? Touring in the four directions, bumpy mountain road, looking up at the silver man, chatting freely, raising your hand to pick the moon, smiling brightly in the sky, no matter the wind, frost, rain, snow, or dust on your face, you will rest side by side and sleep against your back.
    Did you remember? The girls learned Danqing together, waving ink and flowers, celebrating birthdays happily, presenting peony to you, meeting Huafa with white heads, and still singing and dancing in the Kunming altar. A group photo of the two teachers with their opera puppets

    A group photo of the two teachers with their opera puppets

    Two teachers at the Kunming University Class of Artists' 60th Anniversary Commemorative Session, 2014.5

    Two teachers at the Kunming University Class of Artists' 60th Anniversary Commemorative Session, 2014.5

    Did you remember? Twenty years after a long absence, we see each other again suddenly, we look at each other like each other, we meet without a word, tears are strewn with rain, the vicissitudes of life are stained with snow on the temples, and we renew the relationship between siblings. Eight years ago, we joined hands in Beijing, and seven years ago, we were together in Shanghai, "A Dream" The love is endless, and the jade shadow is still lingering. I hope that the moon will shine on the person. Hua Wenyi and Yue Meiti co-starred in "A Dream" in the master version of "The Peony Pavilion", 2014.12

    Hua Wenyi and Yue Meiti co-starred in "A Dream" in the master version of "The Peony Pavilion", 2014.12

    Hua Wenyi and Yue Meiti co-starred in "The Jade Hairpin"

    Hua Wenyi and Yue Meiti co-starred in "The Jade Hairpin"

    The peony withered, the flute sounded resentful, the emperor was eighty-one, and the soul returned to the sky in a dream. Looking at the small statue again, the hazy and charming face, and the graceful curls, it is like seeing it for the first time. Once "Pick up a painting and call it a painting", Chunrong Chanjuan was called. Fangcao Tianya, Wanli Guanshan, where to find traces, where to send thoughts? The passing water flows eastward, and the good news still stretches. From then on, I have been searching everywhere in my dreams, holding a willow and pulling my clothes.
    Woohoo, Shangfan!
    This article is reproduced with permission from the WeChat public account of "Le Shang Shan Ming" (Data: Some pictures of the good woman, Yuan Wei, and frog are from the Internet)


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